5 Companies I'm Excited About

A couple companies that I’m into:

  • Turf : An app from an incredible
    designer from NYC, Michael Tseng, Turf is a iOS game that combines
    foursquare with monopoly. You checkin to get points, buy and sell
    properties, and maintain them. I’d love to see more games that take into
    account a real world component like location and Turf does this well. He
    has been thinking about this game for a while and its great to see this
    passion project come alive over the last year. Check out the
    that launched it.

  • Everlane : An online clothing merchandiser that
    produces high quality apparel for reasonable prices. Started by my TA in
    college, this site is quietly killing with awesome shirts and
    accessories without the crazy markups that other brands have because of
    their retail requirements. As people become more comfortable ordering
    clothing online, sites like Everlane will flourish. Its still early for
    them, but I can see this site doing well in the next few years.

  • uBeam : Wireless charging. If
    this works as advertised, its going to be everywhere. Check the video:
    . First done in 3 weeks (!) by two female students at Upenn. Really hope
    this makes it to market!

  • Kinobi: Motion capture based learning. A startup
    out of Startup Weekend EDU NYC, Kinobi makes it simple to create and
    partake in Kinect based learning applications. Think doing yoga poses or
    dance moves with the application letting you know exactly how to
    position yourself. I dreamed about doing this for dance classes when I
    did motion capture for games back at Carnegie Mellon. Kinobi is making
    it happen.

  • Amicus : Social outreach for non-profits.
    Having worked with Habitat for Humanity for years, it was easy to tell
    that even some of the best non-profits need a massive change in thinking
    about how they do outreach and build an audience for their causes.
    Amicus gives them a platform to do this. In the future, I envision the
    platform expanding to a consumer facing platform for engaging with the
    causes people care about. The founder, Seth’s, fashion taste is also

Bonus: RapGenius: A site that lets you write
definitions of lyrics. I’ve been a fan of this site for a while, as they
are an awesome example of how to do social media marketing / community
right; their readers are engaged and respond well to most things they
post. They also kill it on SEO for new tracks since they are the first
to publish lyrics for new tracks, and the definitions give you the exact
search terms that people will remember and search for. They also have
sick startup