Academy for Software Engineering - Mentorship & Clubs

The Academy for Software Engineering is just about
done with its first semester of the inaugural year. Through iMentor, a
mentorship program was setup pairing each student with an older mentor
who meets with them once a month and emails with them regularly. A
picture of one of the mentor sessions is
It was inspiring to see the students interacting and learning from their
mentors and I hope they continue to get a lot of value out of the
Student Clubs
One of the other initiatives we are working on is creating a set of
after school clubs for students to engage in their passions when school
is over. Its important to help nurture their interests and give them
enough resources to fully explore.
We are looking for people to help lead the clubs each week (2 hours
after school) and for companies to donate some of the items that would
help run these groups.
A few of the requested clubs from students includes:
Video Game Creation
Programming Team
3d Printing (Makerbot 1 has been donated)
We are looking to find student club leaders who can commit to 2 hours a
week after school starting in February. If you’re interested, please
send an email to [email protected] by January 23rd with more
information about yourself and how you’d like to contribute.