AFSE Update - Mentoring and Rec Room

Lots of progress has been made with the Academy for Software Engineering
( since
Generous donations have been made of time, items and resources that have
made the rec room fully stocked for the students. A full update on this
will be coming soon.

We are also working on the mentorship program for the students as well.
It is a program that gives each student a personal mentor for 2 hours in
person in NYC a month (rest is over email). The program is run through
iMentor, which has provided support for evaluating, sourcing, and
organzing the program.

If you’d like to be a mentor (preferably people in the technology field)
check out the information below and apply by Monday, October 15th.


The Academy for Software Engineering (AFSE), a new public high school in
New York City, is finishing a mentorship drive to match our 9th grade
students with professional mentors from the technology industry. We are
using a program called iMentor to manage the mentor-student relationship
and provide a curriculum for students and mentors to engage with focused
around high school graduation, college admission, and career. Anyone
interested in becoming a mentor can read more about the program on the
iMentor website:, and sign up
on the Become a Mentor page in the website (make sure to mention AFSE in
the notes section so that you get matched up with the school).

The iMentor program asks for a minimal commitment from mentors including
a one-time training session (2.5 hours) during the month of October or
early November (a variety of dates are available), a weekly email
response to an email that your mentee will send, and a once a month 2
hour meeting with the mentor at the school (40 Irving Place). The weekly
email is composed by the student as a part of a class during the school
day and centers around a curriculum prompt provided by the iMentor
program. The school also has an assigned, full time staff member who is
available to you for questions at any time - this staff member can help
provide you with references to answer student questions, or give advice
regarding student communication you may have questions about. The email
is exchanged through the iMentor system and students do not have the
expectation of privacy in communication with their mentors.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact Leigh Ann
DeLyser, CS Curriculum Consultant at AFSE,, Primo
Lasana,, AFSE iMentor Representative, or Larry Mahl
iMentor Volunteer Coordinator for more information.

Thank you for supporting the next generation of Computer Scientists and
Software Engineers!